When I started this challenge, I promised myself I would not get behind. Well, I think I may be a day or so behind. I'm not sure how bc last night I was a day ahead doing Twitter chat. I was getting so mad bc nobody was liking my tweets. I realized why when Logan Walker messaged me and told me it was the wrong night. Thank goodness I have the ability to laugh at myself. I dislike wishing my life away but I find myself doing it. Wishing for the weekend, wishing for summer, and wishing for Christmas are all like wishing your life away. Life is way to short to wish it away. So, I'm fine with being a little behind...I'm going to look at it as meaning I'm making the most of each day.
Today is the last day for me to blog. I have really enjoyed doing it BUT I do not have enough time in my life to blog right now. There were times I was stressed to the max because I would get so far behind. I would get caught up and then get behind again. I love the ability to just let my thoughts flow so freely and see them in print.There were times I would want to write some things but didn't because of who could see my blog. Will I blog again? I will absolutely do it again!!!
Life happens. Keep blogging. :)